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Naruto is more gay because when he first met Sasuke he accidentally kissed him (I think he enjoyed it) because he got pushed. and has had a "bond" with Sasuke ever since. i don't think Sasuke really knows about this "bond."

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Q: Who is more like a gay naruto or sasuke?
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Are Sasuke and Naruto gay?

In Boruto, it is pretty much confirmed that they are indeed straight. But there has been proof of Naruto having feelings for both Sasuke and Sakura. The creator of Naruto explained that it was like a love circle, Naruto liked Sakura, Sakura liked Sasuke, and Sasuke had special feelings for Naruto.

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NO no Naruto character is gay :( :)

Is Naruto gay for Sasuke?

I think everyone knows the answer to that. Yes. Because he is gay with Naruto HAHAHA

Why did Naruto kiss Sasuke in Naruto?

It was an accident. Naruto was bumped into Sasuke and they accidentally kissed. naruto didn't bump into sasuke he just want to kiss and by the way gay! no, naruto WAS knocked into sasuke because all the girls looked like they were gonna KILL him.

Could Naruto marry Sasuke?

Yes. He could. If Sasuke or Naruto were changed to a girl, I am pretty sure they would get married. It's only because of people who don't like boy x boy.

In what episode does naruto and sasuke realize there gay?

They do not realize they are gay, because they are not gay.

Do Naruto and Sasuke go out?

I don't think Sasuke and Naruto are gay with each other, and Sasuke does try to kill him at TWO points in the series, so i don't think it'll happen.

If naruto loves sasuke then how is he not gay?

You can love someone as a friend, a brother, a father, or a life mate. Love is not the same as sexual orientation. Naruto loves Sasuke as a good friend, even like a brother. However, he is not attracted to him. He is attracted to Sakura.

Does naruto ever have a gay moment?

He has kissed Sasuke by accident, although it made both of them sick.

Naruto is not gay in the series but on a website?

No, He is not GAY ANYWHERE! It's just that people like to think that he is gay and post it everywhere because they like Yaoi and can't accept the fact that HE IS NOT GAY. how could u say that? there's no evidence to support it. and if u say that he like Sakura, why is it that Sasuke is always on his mind?

Is naurto gay?

Naruto is not gay, even if he has been portrayed by some people in their fanfictions. He actually even has a crush on Sakura, but he has accidently kissed Sasuke.