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Q: Who is a homeless an unemployed person who travels from place to place on foot seeking food and money?
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How do you define a vagrant?

A vagrant is a homeless and unemployed person who wanders about from place to place and supports himself or herself by begging. Vagrants are often viewed as social nuisances.

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Yes! a person who is unemployed can get the Unemployed Loans. The Loans for unemployed people provides finance so that the unemployed person can manage the expenses till unemployed.

What are the responsibilities of a homeless person?

To stay alive and try to improve his or her lifestyle through counseling, seeking employment, and becoming a productive member of a community.

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A person who is too lazy to work is often referred to as "lazy" or "unmotivated." They may also be described as "unemployed" if they are not actively seeking or holding a job due to laziness.

Can a person who is homeless vote for an election?

Yes, a homeless person can vote in an election. The homeless person can put a food pantry or shelter down as their place of residence!

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hemrode problems and has no insurance and is unemployed

What is vagabond-?

A vagabond is a traveller. It is a homeless person whom travels around, doing odd jobs when they can to make money. Sometimes they street preform, or busk.

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An explorer is a person who travels to unknown or remote places where no one else has been before, seeking out new experiences and discoveries. They often venture into uncharted territories to map out and learn about unfamiliar locations.

What is a homeless person?

A homeless person is someone who does not have a house, it doesn't mean you live on the treets, if you are living with a friend temporarily, and don't have anywhere to go after that, you are homeless