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Q: Which renewable energy source provides the US with the most energy?
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Is soil the most renewable energy source?

No the sun is the most renewable energy sourse

What is the renewable that provides the most energy for Britain?

At present the wind is used to provide the most renewable energy in Britain.

Which non renewable energy do you use the most?

Coal is the most widely used source of non-renewable energy.

Is sunlight a renewable resource or non-renewable rescource?

They use a renewable source of energy. Most are constructed using non renewable resources.

What is the most popular source of energy?

Nuclear energy that is the source of sun energy which in turn is the source of fossil and renewable energies.

Which renewable energy source is most often used?


Is the sun the source of most other renewable energy?


What renewable energy provides the most for the us?

Wind power and hydroelectricity.

What is the most utilized renewable energy source in china?

Hydroelectricity is the most common renewable energy in China. In 2009 it had an installed capacity of 197 gigawatts.

Is electrical energy renewable or non renewable?

The most popular renewable energy sources currently are: Solar energy. Wind energy. Hydro energy. Tidal energy. Geothermal energy. Biomass energy.

Is wood energy renewable or nonrenewable?

It depend entirely on what kind of wood it is. Most trees are reasonable fast growing, so burning wood from renewable trees is a renewable source of energy.However, rainforest trees can take thousands of years to grow and are so classed as non-renewable. So using non-renewable wood as firewood is a non-renewable source of energy.

Which energy source provides us with the most energy?
