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the inner core

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Q: Which layer is made of solid iron and nickel?
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What is the solid layer of the earth that is made mostly of iron and nickel called?

The solid layer of the Earth that is made mostly of iron and nickel is called the inner core.

What is the superheated solid layer made of nickel and iron?

That would be the inner core.

Which layer of the earth is made up of solid nickel and iron?

The layer of the Earth made up of solid nickel and iron is the inner core. It is the Earth's innermost part, consisting mainly of an iron-nickel alloy and playing a key role in generating the planet's magnetic field.

Which layer is made of iron and nickel?

The layer made of iron and nickel is the core of the Earth, which is divided into two parts: the inner core and the outer core. The inner core is solid due to high pressure, while the outer core is in a liquid state.

Which layer is composed of nickel and iron and is a solid?

The outer core of the Earth.

What is each layer of earth composed of?

Tectonic Plates

What are the different layers of the earth structure?

The Earth is made up of several layers: the inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust. The inner core is solid and composed mostly of iron and nickel. The outer core is a liquid layer, also made of iron and nickel. The mantle is a semi-solid layer that surrounds the outer core, and the crust is the thin solid outer layer that we live on.

What layer is mostly made of nickel and iron?

The Earth's core is mostly made of nickel and iron. It is divided into the outer core, which is liquid, and the inner core, which is solid. These two layers primarily consist of these heavy metals.

What material is the inner core made of?

The inner core of the Earth is primarily made of solid iron and nickel. It is the most dense layer of the Earth and is estimated to have temperatures exceeding 5,700 degrees Celsius.

Layer is made from soild iron and nickel?

no it cant

What are the major structural units of the earth?

The major structural units of the Earth are the inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust. The inner core is solid iron-nickel alloy, the outer core is a liquid iron-nickel alloy, the mantle is a solid rocky layer, and the crust is the Earth's outermost layer made of solid rock.

Has a liquid and solid layer?

The Earth has a liquid outer core composed primarily of iron and nickel, and a solid inner core made of iron and nickel. These layers play a crucial role in generating the planet's magnetic field and overall structure.