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CNG(compressed natural gas)

bio gas

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Q: Which fuels are less polluting?
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Why some cooking fuels are less polluting?

methanebutaneoil (various grades)animal fatcow, yak, buffalo manureliquid alcoholsolid alcoholwaxes and paraffinsgasoline and kerosenewoodcoalstrawcharcoal

Is nuclear energy more polluting than other fuels?

Nuclear energy produces less air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. However, the process of mining and processing uranium, as well as the storage of radioactive waste, can have environmental impacts.

What are the least expensive and least polluting fuels used in automobiles?


Why does a power-station owner prefer to buy a low-sulphur coal than ordinary coal?

The sulphur in fuels produces sulphur dioxide when it burns, which is a major cause of acid rain. Low sulphur fuels are less polluting.

Why is the replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energy sources highly probable?

Fossil fuels are polluting, releasing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that is causing global warming.Renewable energy is clean, non-polluting, free, and everlasting.

Why are all fossil fuels polluting?

all are hydrocarbons, on burning produces mono carbons

What polluting gas produced from burning hydrocarbon fuels is not a problem with nuclear energy?


How does hydropower impact the enivorment?

gives an alternative energy source. instead of polluting the air with fossil fuels.

What are the good points of fossil fuels?

If you ignore the environmental costs and the damage to the planet, fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are a quick source of dirty polluting energy.

How do you preserve nature so animals can survive?

stop using fossil fuels and stop deforestation. stop polluting the oceans

What benefits does solar energy have?

Once installed it's non-polluting, doesn't use up any fossil fuels and is renewable.

What activity solves the pollution problem through the use of new technology?

building cars that run on non-polluting fuels. -APEX