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This is a list of environmental issues that are due to human activities. These articles relate to the anthropogenic effects on the natural environment.

  • Anoxic waters --- Anoxic event • Hypoxia • Ocean deoxygenation • Dead zone
  • Climate change --- Global warming • Global dimming • Fossil fuels • Sea level rise • Greenhouse gas • Ocean acidification • Shutdown of thermohaline circulation
  • Conservation --- Species extinction • Pollinator decline • Coral bleaching • Holocene extinction • Invasive species • Poaching • Endangered species
  • Energy --- Energy conservation • Renewable energy • Efficient energy use • Renewable energy commercialization
  • Environmental degradation --- Eutrophication • Habitat destruction • Invasive species
  • Environmental health --- Air quality • Asthma • Electromagnetic fields • Electromagnetic radiation and health • Indoor air quality • Lead poisoning • Sick Building Syndrome
  • Genetic engineering --- Genetic pollution • Genetically modified food controversies
  • Intensive farming --- Overgrazing • Irrigation • Monoculture • Environmental effects of meat production • Slash and burn • Pesticide drift • Plasticulture
  • Land degradation --- Land pollution • Desertification
Soil --- Soil conservation • Soil erosion • Soil contamination • Soil salination
  • Land use --- Urban sprawl • Habitat fragmentation • Habitat destruction
  • Nanotechnology --- Nanotoxicology • Nanopollution
  • Nuclear issues --- Nuclear fallout • Nuclear meltdown • Nuclear power • Nuclear weapons • Nuclear and radiation accidents • Nuclear safety • High-level radioactive waste management.
  • Overpopulation --- Burial • Water crisis • Overpopulation in companion animals • Tragedy of the commons
  • Ozone depletion --- CFC
  • Pollution --- Light pollution • Noise pollution • Visual pollution • Nonpoint source pollution • Point source pollution
Water pollution --- Acid rain • Eutrophication • Marine pollution • Ocean dumping • Oil spills • Thermal pollution • Urban runoff • Water crisis • Marine debris • Microplastics • Ocean acidification • Ship pollution • Wastewater • Fish kill • Algal bloom • Mercury in fishAir pollution --- Smog • Tropospheric ozone • Indoor air quality • Volatile organic compound • Particulate matter • Sulphur oxide
  • Reservoirs --- Environmental impacts of reservoirs
Consumerism --- Consumer capitalism • Planned obsolescence • Over-consumptionFishing --- Blast fishing • Bottom trawling • Cyanide fishing • Ghost nets • Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing • Overfishing • Shark finning • WhalingLogging --- Clearcutting • Deforestation • Illegal loggingMining --- Acid mine drainage • Mountaintop removal mining • Slurry impoundments
  • Toxins --- Chlorofluorocarbons • DDT • Endocrine disruptors • Dioxin • Toxic heavy metals • Herbicides • Pesticides • Toxic waste • PCB • Bioaccumulation • Biomagnification
  • Waste --- E-waste • Litter • Waste disposal incidents • Marine debris • Medical waste • Landfill • Leachate • Recycling • Incineration • Great Pacific Garbage Patch
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Q: Which environmental problems are caused by man?
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