Static electricity gets worse in a dry environment. Consider using a humidifier to keep the static electricity down.
static electricity is static electricity
No. Static electricity is more likely to be caused by movement of materials against each other in a dry environment.
static electricity
static electricity
Static electricity constitutes of charges that are static i.e. they do not move.
"Static Electricity" can be extremely dangerous, if static charges are released in an inflammable atmosphere eg in an enclosed space, fuel tanks ashore or on board cargo vessels (tankers). Static charge may result in massive explosion with loss of life, property and environment.
Easy static electricity
You can move things with static electricity!
Static electricity is a noun phrase consisting of an adjective ("static") and a noun ("electricity").
Static electricity translates into electrons not in motion. Typically, you rub rubber on fur to get static electricity. I get static electricity from petting my cat (I am a rubber of my cat, but I am not made of rubber.)
Becuase static electricity is generated by rubbing or by friction.