Argentina has a very high rain amount. It is located in the rainforest, which needs a lot of water to survive.
why habagat brings a lot of rain
Are you referring to a rain forest? A rain forest has a lot of vegetation and receives a lot of rain.
the rain forest
It rain a lot in city.
it rains a lot
Weather can have a lot of effects on a country. For example, rain could cause flooding to other parts of the country and cause a lot of trouble. Same with sun, it can cause droughts. However, natural weather like tsunami's can destroy whole countries at a time.
Kenya has diverse climates, with some regions experiencing a lot of rain while others are more arid. The coastal regions and western highlands tend to have more rainfall, while areas like the northern and eastern parts of the country are drier.
The UK receives a lot of rain due to its location in the path of prevailing westerly winds from the Atlantic Ocean. These winds carry moisture which is deposited as rain when they meet the cooler air over the UK. The country's topography, including highlands and mountains, also contributes to increased rainfall in certain regions.
no rain does not affect the smell
There was rain again today because Spring has begun and in the season of Spring, there is a lot of rain. It can also be because of global warming or that a lot of pollution has caused it to rain.
temperate and tropical