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Q: Which air pollutants are being measured regularly?
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Which two air pollutants are measured in the Air Quality Index to predict air quality and the level of health concern for humans?

Particulate matter and ozone.

A measured increase in air temperature just above the ground is known as?

A measured increase in air temperature just above the ground is known as a temperature inversion. This phenomenon occurs when warm air moves over cold air near the surface, trapping pollutants and leading to poor air quality.

Pollutants suchs as ozone or smog are what kind of pollutants?

they are Gaseous

Which of these is not an major air pollutant measured by air quality index sulfur dioxide carbon monoxide particle pollution lead?

Lead is not a major air pollutant measured by the air quality index. The major air pollutants measured are sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and particle pollution (PM2.5 and PM10). Lead is a toxic metal that can be harmful when ingested or inhaled but is not typically included in standard air quality monitoring.

What the difference between primary and secondary pollutants?

Primary pollutants are pollutants that enters the air directly from a source and Secondary pollutants are air pollutantsproduced by the reaction of a primary pollutant with some other pollutant

True Or False Decibel is a measurement of the amount of pollution?

False. Decibel is a unit of measurement used to express the intensity of sound, not pollution. It measures the level of sound pressure. Pollution is typically measured in terms of air quality indices, concentration of pollutants, or other specific measurements depending on the type of pollution being measured.

What are the air pollutants that affects your atmosphere?

there are many pollutants. These are greenhouse gases.

What is the difference between secondary and primary pollutants?

Some Primary pollutants are like when humans directly put them in the air Secondary pollutants are like when pollutants react with Primary and other Primary pollutants.

Which process is most likely to remove pollutants from the air?

Natural processes will eventually remove air pollutants, if we stop inputting them at such massive levels. The prospect of removing air pollutants is interesting and seems favorable, but is ultimately myopic. What happens even if we can suddenly remove pollutants from the air? Where can we put them? In the ground? This would undoubtedly engender new issues. No, the question is not how to remove air pollutants, but how to live without producing them.

What is improving air quality?

Reducing pollutants in the air.

Pollutants such as Ozone and Smog are what kind of pollutants?

Ozone and smog are considered to be air pollutants.

What are all pollutants?

air polloution