The phone number of the Cesar Chavez Central Library is: 209-937-8221.
The address of the Cesar Chavez Library is: 615 Williams Rd., Salinas, 93905 1997
The address of the Cesar Chavez Library is: 3635 W. Baseline Road, Phoenix, 85339 7387
The address of the Maywood Cesar Chavez Library is: 4323 East Slauson Ave., Maywood, 90270 2837
The address of the Cesar E. Chavez Branch Library is: 3301 E. 12Th Street, Oakland, 94601 2413
The address of the Zuni Public Library is: 27 E. Chavez Circle, Zuni, 87327 0339
The address of the Terrazas Branch Library is: 1105 E Cesar Chavez St, Austin, 78702 M
The address of the Zuni Public Library Bookmobile is: 27 E. Chavez Circle, Zuni, 87327 0339
The phone number of the Cesar Chavez Library is: 831-758-7345.
The phone number of the Cesar Chavez Library is: 602-262-4636.
The address of the Anthony Quinn Library is: 3965 Cesar E. Chavez Ave., Los Angeles, 90063 1898
The phone number of the Maywood Cesar Chavez Library is: 323-771-8600.