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Mostly the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights. Those who are people of faith say from God's gift of the Ten Commandments

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Q: Where does human rights come from?
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How did human rights come about in South Africa?

how did human rights come abouit in south Africa

Who are the greatest human rights activist to come out of Africa?

nelson Mandela

How do we get human rights?

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our race, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights. Although the concept of human rights understands those rights to be universal, any person’s enjoyment of human rights flows from the political system under which they live. They come from the legal system, economic system and the cultural systems of any given country.

When did human rights come into place?

whats yo problem bruv u startin

Who made human rights?

Eleanor Roosavelt made human rights the human delclortratiojn of human rights

Civil rights come from?

Civil rights vary from country to country - although there is a Declaration of Human Rights (from the United Nations) - and so all 'rights' are derived from the society a person lives in. We give each other these rights to make community living easier and to help in formulating laws and punishments. (OR for a short answer, The Bill of Rights)

What is are the human rights written on?

the human rights are written on the universal decloration of human rights

How does the constitution reflect a respect for human right?

It says that all our rights come From God that among these rights are life, Liberty and the persuit of happiness.

How many human rights are there?

There are thirty articles when it comes to human rights. This is within The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They are rights of every human being.

Who made rights?

Eleanor Roosavelt made human rights the human delclortratiojn of human rights

Human rights result ycmou pune 2009?

results will come at 1 setember 2009

Why definitions of human rights vary?

We have different definitions of human rights because there are different human rights. The definitions of human rights are the meanings of the fundamental rights of a human in a country or organisation. GLAD I COULD HELP :)