Information on home office Immigration can be found at your national border agency's official website, and corresponding embassies or consuls. The website Workpermit also provides general guidance on visas, work permits, nationalization and related news for various countries including the UK, USA, Australia and Canada.
The Migration Policy Institute Data Hub provides national and state Demographics and economic facts along with a database of US state level immigration legislation.
You can get information on how to design your home simply be googling it. This will help you to find an answer. And then you can find out how to design the office.
On the website of the Home Office UK you can find information about renewing passports, criminal records, statistics and research. The Home Office is a ministerial department.
Your local property tax office.
By applying to the Home Office.
One can fine the Home Office website by typing in UKBA on Google. UKBA stands for United Kingdom Boarder Agency. One can find more information on the Home Office from: Daily Mail, CNN, Forbes.
There are several ways to get ideas for a home office. One can, for instance, hire an interior decorator to help with the design of the office. There are also several magazines on home decorating that might have home office ideas as well.
If you are looking for information for home office decorating, then Office Depot is the place for you. They have plenty of flyers at the store for you to gather up some ideas.
Consult the Home and Commonwealth Office and the Office of Immigration.
It is in charge of the police force, immigration, customs, security and MI5, the secret service.
One can find information on application for US citizenship when one goes to the website uscis dot gov. On this website, one can get all the information one needs to make an application for US citizenship.
Home office desks and furniture can be found at all good office and furniture stores. Try shops such as 'Staples'. Alternatively, visit sites such as Amazon or Ebay.
Not quite sure what the questioner is after, but some general information on home office furniture and how to best place them can be found at Overstock, MyMave ad Freshome.