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It could possibly mean that they want to make sure she is honest to him or he is bored.

It could possibly mean 100 million things: "Your boyfriend really likes you, he totally is into you." "I will help you with the surprise party for him." "Did you see tonight's episode of Glee?"

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Q: When someones boyfriend is texting his best friends girlfriend explain what that means?
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Is a girlfriend gay if she hangs out with a lesbian?

If she is someones girlfriend and not the lesbian's then she might not be a lesbian. She could merely be friends with this girl. If she is the lesbian's girlfriend then yes she probably is then. :)

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Always choose your friends over a girlfriend or boyfriend because if your girlfriend or boyfriend do not work out you won't have your friends there to support you.... However relationships are equally important. Your girlfriend or boyfriend will make you feel needed and important and special.. In the long run you should not have to choose but if some reason you do. It's your choice :) good luck

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No it means that he just doesn't want to lose his friends or his girlfriend. He wants to juggle and not be a jerk to either the girlfriend or his social life. Remember Friendships last and they are more important then the typical and regular relationships of that kind of love.

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Dump him. If he can't be honest with his friends then he won't be honest with you.

Where should you meet up with your friends and girlfriend?

movies, mall, someones house, party. anywhere really.

Are miley and sealena mates?

They are NOT together as in girlfriend and boyfriend but they are friends and just that.

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No, they are boyfriend and girlfriend.

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find another girlfriend

If dating means hanging out with girlfriend or boyfriend then if you hang out for movie or dinner with friends-parents-siblings that also mean date with friends or parents or siblings?

a girlfriend/boyfriend is someone you're not related to and someone you like more than a friend. yes, you might go to a movie with your family or friends, but it's not quite the same as going with a girlfriend/boyfriend

Is harry styles and Taylor Swift boyfriend and girlfriend?

no, they're hardly friends