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  • The National Anti-Bully Week begins November 15th 'The Big March' and you can become a fan on Facebook; Twitter or join in the 'Big March Park.'
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15y ago

During the month of January.

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Q: When Is Anti Bullying Week?
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Related questions

Why do you have anti bullying week?

To help schools fight bullying

When is anti-bullying week 2012?

Britain's better with out bullying!!

What week is anti bullying week?

at the school i go to, which is in Canada, it was anti-bulyling wek on the second week of may

What events happen on anti bullying week?

People don't get bullied

When is national anti-bullying week for 2011?

14th-18th of November

What does anti-bullying mean?

Something that strongly discourages bullying, eg. an anti-bullying seminar.

What is the full form of abw?

1) American Brotherhood Weekend 2) Australian Business Week 3) Anti Bullying Week

Is tomorrow anti bullying day?

Everyday should be anti bullying day.

When did Anti bullying day start?

The International STAND UP to Bullying Day takes place on the third Friday of November and again on the last Friday of February. Most of the time, these days are scheduled to coincide with Anti-Bullying Week, held annually in the UK.

What anti bullying law?

45 of the 50 states have anti-bullying laws

What are some catchy anti bullying slogans?

stop bullying.

What does anti bullying mean?

anti bully means you are totally against bullying and you use every act to put a end to all the bullying you see.