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Q: What would be the effect of turbid water on the disinfectant ability?
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What are the meaning of turbid?

turbid means flow of water or any liquid

Why is turbid water not good for fish and plants?

Turbid means muddy or unclear. - If experiencing this on well water, it can basically mean anything that's in the ground. You need a filter, -but first get your water analysed to make sure it's OK to drink, and what is making it turbid.

What is water that is muddy and dark from particles?


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What is water that is muddy and dark from particles called?

Water that is muddy and dark from particles is called turbid water. Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness or haziness of a liquid caused by suspended solids.

How do you use turbid in a sentence?

First understand the Dictionary definition of Turbid. Then change it to Turbidity: "I cannot see the bottom of the Stream because of the Turbidity of the water." {Short Answer}.

How are swamps use?

Swamps are terrific filters for turbid water flows.

Can you soak a adult circumcision in lukewarm salt water?

Ishould not do any harm if you dont leave it there too long and it will have a disinfectant effect.

Is warm water a disinfectant?

Warm water is NOT a disinfectant. It makes grease and oil more soluble in water and also is a little bit more comfortable to wash with.

Is starch added to water at room temperature a true solution?

No, starch added to water at room temperature forms a colloidal suspension, not a true solution. The starch particles do not fully dissolve in the water but dispersed throughout, leading to a cloudy mixture rather than a clear solution.

How do you clearify well water?

It depends what is making it turbid. -Take a sample to a lab for analysis.