

Best Answer
AnswerAs long as the policy is two years old, it shouldn't be a problem. Many policies have a provision to pay out a substantial amount upon diagnosis of a terminal illness.

The laws for life insurance vary state by state and depends on what is contained in the policy itself...Some states allow life insurance companies to deny benefits completely if the insured commits suicide within 2 years of opening the policy..Some States allow life insurance companies to have a suicide exclusion clause for the life of the policy in which if the insured commits suicide they will only pay benefits equaling the total amount of premiums that the insured paid on the policy...Some States also allow insurance companies to have a euthanasia clause in which benefits will not be paid in cases of assisted suicide by physician/healthcare worker because it is a criminal act in that state.

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Q: What will happen to a life insurance policy if the person has a euthanasia procedure done?
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Is euthanasia so easy?

euthanasia can be as easy as u think but the problem is that it depends on the person who is being treat in terms of euthanasia'

What are some famous euthanasia cases in america?

Euthanasia, with regard to people, typically refers to a doctor performing a mercy killing on a very sick person. An example of this would be Dr. Kevorkian. He was a physician who spent time in jail for humanely assisting in the suicides of terminally ill people who had consented to the procedure.

Does life insurance get paid to families in cases of euthanasia?

Not many insurance companies will pay out if someone commits suicide. Euthanasia would have to be proved if that was the case. Often it cannot be proved and so it is deemed the person committed suicide. They do not because then there would be nothing stopping someone taking out insurance for $10M and then killing themselves. Most life insurance policies have a suicide exclusion to them. An alternate answer: Euthanasia (Greek meaning 'well death') is legal in Oregon (Death With Dignity Act) and Washington, but Texas, Minnesota and other States are close to making Euthanasia legal under the human rights act. This would mean that one can choose (along with verification from doctors) that the patient in question has a lengthily and painful illness with no hope of survival or for the aged that are dying from a slow and painful death and to give patients such as this the dignity of passing away in the manner they so choose. Death by physician assisted suicide is not considered suicide and therefore should not affect the insurance policy. It is best to speak with your lawyer as far as any life insurance policies should a person choose euthanasia.

What is Difference between euthanasia and mercy killing?

Suicide means to kill oneself. Euthanasia is committed by another person.

Is anything good about euthanasia?

Euthanasia or assisted suicide can be good if the person who has asked is in a lot of pain. If it can help stop the pain then it is good. If the is a treatment for what is causing the pain then euthanasia is bad.

What year did euthanasia become illegal in Britain?

There are different forms of Euthanasia, each are differently punished by law in most countries. Involuntary Euthanasia is considered murder in every country, and is punished to the same degree as any other form of murder. Involuntary euthanasia means as the name implies, to end someones life against that person's wishes. Passive Euthanasia is what is encountered in most countries where some form of euthanasia is legal. Passive euthanasia means to end someone life (usually on that person's request, but sometimes on request of next of kin/family or a legal request/will when a person is not capable of requesting euthanasia) but without personally causing their death, examples of passive euthanasia are removing the feeding probe from a person who is in a persistent vegetative state or to prescribe lethal drugs to a person but not personally adminastering them. Active euthanasia means to personally help end someone's life (usually on that person's request, but sometimes on request of next of kin/family or a legal request/will when a person is not capable of requesting euthanasia) by personaly providing the means to do so, such as dispensing lethal drugs to a person. Active euthanasia and involuntary euthanasia are both illegal in the UK and have always been so, although there has been legislation proposed in the House of Lords in the early 1930's to legalise euthanasia but it never came through. Passive euthanasia is also illegal in the UK, however prescribing fatal drugs to treat pain even if the outcome will be death, is allowed by law if death was not the main intended reason for prescribing the drugs. This law was enacted in 1957.

Who decides if euthanasia is right when person is incoherency?


What are the symptoms of euthanasia?

Death. Euthanasia is the act of putting an animal or person to death for humane, punishment or population control purposes.

What can happen to a person who drives without insurance in UK?

they become taxi drivers

What is the meaning of 'euthanasia'?

Euthanasia means a gentle and easy death. There are 4 types of euthanasia: Assisted suicide- eg. Giving someone the drugs or gun to kill themselves but not actually killing the person yourself. Voluntary euthanasia- Helping kill someone who has asked you to kill them, it is only voluntary if you actually kill them, if they kill themselves it is assisted suicide. Non voluntary euthanasia- Where you kill the person when they haven't asked you to but you think it is right. eg. if the person is in a coma and might never wake up and the parent kill them. Passive euthanasia- where you stop giving the person treatment or food and water. Only if they have asked you to.

Is euthanasia covered by insurance?

In Australia, as, I believe in the USA, euthanasia is illegal, therefore it is highly unlikely that any insurance company would cover it. If you are talking about Life insurance, then most, if not all, have specific clauses that rule out suicide (because that is what euthanasia is) as a form of death which they will reimburse for - many people think they will leave their family better off if they die and the family can claim thousands in insurance, and the insurance companies do not like paying out big sums of money. If you are talking about health insurance - Medicare etc - then I suspect that the answer will be No, also, unless it is something that just happened, because a kindly nurse or doctor assisted and did not tell anybody. So, I guess that is the answer, if nobody knows about it, except the person who assisted, then, yeah, I guess it might be covered, if anybody else knows about it, then the answer is NO.

Is is not called euthanasia if what?

It is not called euthanasia if the decision to end a life is made without the consent of the individual, or if it is done for purposes other than relieving suffering, such as for financial gain or convenience. euthanasia is a voluntary act done with the agreement of the person who is suffering.