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Q: What was the first thing that Gandhi used disobedience to protest and in what country?
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Where was Mohandas Gandhi arrested first?

In Johannesburg, South Africa, while fighting discrimination against Indians. It was also the beginning of his methodology of civil disobedience and nonviolent protest.

Where did gandhi hold his first civil disobedience movement in India?

Ahmedabad to dandi

What incident caused Gandhi to use civil disobedience for the first time?

to save India

Who first developed a strategy of nonviolent protest?

Martin Luther King Jr.

What was the method of struggle of Nelson Mandela?

at first he used protest methods like boycotts, strikes, civil disobedience, noncooperation and mass rallies then after learning about gandhi he too clung firmly to the principles of non-violence for more than ten years and followed in the foot steps of Mahatma Gandhi

What methods of civil disobedience is the best nelson mandala or Gandhi?

Nelson Mandela got hit nonviolence ideas from Gandhi. He was first supporting violent acts with the ANC (African National Congress).

When was the Civil Disobedience Movement launched during the Indian Freedom Struggle?

the 1928 movement of "Simon GO Back" in reply to the British Simon commission is arguably the first act of civil disobedience but the movement gained momentum with the "Dandi march" led by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930

What was Gandhi's first protest or non violent act?

I think it was to get independence from Great Britain.

Where did Gandhi get his non violent concept from?

as i know mahatma Gandhi was inspired for non-violence in south africa. Mohandas Gandhi saw that India needed help so he adapted their ways and was known for his civil disobedience. He was known for The Salt March and Homespun Movement. But the question as to where he first got the non violent concept is unknown.

Newspaper established by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa?

The newspaper established by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa was called "Indian Opinion." It was launched in 1903 and played a significant role in advocating for the rights of the Indian community in South Africa. Gandhi used the newspaper as a platform to promote nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience against discriminatory laws.

What is the first name of Rahul Gandhi's father?

The name of Indira Gandhi father was Jawharlal Nehru. He was the first prime minister of India as well.

What was the very first movement launched by mahatma Gandhi after entering into the freedom struggle for the country's independence?

Champaran satyagraha