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They represent an environmental organisation that wants to protect and conserve the rainforest so it is not destroyed completely. The believe the actions of the government and companies that exploit the natural ecosystem are destroying protected and endangered animals or plant species. The are concerned that destroying the rainforest will affect the global climate and have devastating consequences.

The strongly OPPOSE deforestation

From Eve xoxoxo

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11y ago
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15y ago

Today, Greenpeace represents more than 2.8 million members, with a presence in 40 countries addressing such issues as the environment; cruel and/or unfair fishing & hunting practices; genetically modified organisms and so forth. The primary objective of Greenpeace is to non-violently garner as much media coverage as possible so as to mobilize public opinion on these issues. To achieve its goals, Greenpeace employs three main "awareness" strategies: 1. Direct Action: As an example, in 2001 two activists climbed the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada and unrolled a giant banner proclaiming: "Canada and Bush, Climate Killers." 2. Public Education and Awareness: Through its outreach programs, members raise funds and participle in dialogue using strategies such as door-to-door campaigning. 3. Political Lobbying: As an example, Greenpeace campaigners attempted to reach "mainstream" politics. During the campaign for the ratification of the Kyoto protocol on climate change, Greenpeace was not powerful enough to counterbalance the fossil fuel industry which, with government, promoted the idea that Kyoto would not be economically viable. Greenpeace showed the lack of consensus on that issue by approaching the insurance industry that was losing ever larger amounts of money from natural disasters.

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14y ago

To bring peace to the environment for the future.

To ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all diversity.

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7y ago

To ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity.

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3y ago

To stop the Japanese from killing whales. -Apex

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What is greenpeaces aim?

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