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Q: What these could be an example of misuse of resources?
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Which of these would not be an example of misuse of resources?

Investing in employee training and development to improve skills and performance would not be an example of misuse of resources.

What is an example of misuse of resources in economy?

betting huge money on games. investing more on shares

Examples of misuse of statistics?

For example, manipulating a questionnaire to fit your needs would be an example of misuse.

How space exploraion is a misuse of money?

There are many people that believe that space exploration is a misuse of money. These people feel that the money could be better used for medicine for example.

How did the establishment of the national park system help conserve natural resources in Yosemite park?

By establishing Yosemite as a national park, the government protected the land from misuse. This misuse could have been logging, grazing, and excessive urban development.

How you use an misuse earth natural resources?

You can use Earth's natural resources sustainably by recycling, conserving energy, reducing waste, and supporting responsible resource management practices. Misuse occurs when resources are overexploited, leading to depletion, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. It is essential to prioritize sustainable practices to ensure the long-term health of the planet.

Many governments around the world conserve their natural resources by?

Many governments around the world conserve their natural resources by

Company staff misuse the computer This want to avoid. What could the system administrator do?

Company staff misuse the computer This want to avoid. What could the system administrator do?

How is the use or misuse of the resources affecting the health of the planet?

The misuse of resources like deforestation, overfishing, and pollution are leading to habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, and climate change, all of which are negatively impacting the health of the planet. Sustainable resource management is crucial to ensure a healthy balance between human activities and the environment.

What is an example of computer misuse?

computer hacking :)

Why it is high time you conserve natural resources?

because misuse fof natural resources as well as its important to conserve water , forest etc for our next generation.

What is operation fraud?

This type of fraud is mostly done by employees. It is the misuse of company computer resources such as computers to do personal business.