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Most industrialized countries have relatively higher emission of green house gases like SO2,whichcauses acid rain.Sulfur dioxide dissolves in water and then, like carbon dioxide, hydrolyses in a series of equilibrium reactions forming acid rain.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Having acid rain and being impacted by acid rain are two different concerns. First off acid gases may travel for many miles perhaps outside of the generating country, before touching the surface or being washed out of the air by rain. If acid rain falls into water with high alkalinity it is neutralized and little happens. Acid rain falling on non reactive soils and rocks may lower the pH of runoff receiving rivers and harm fish. Similarly acid rain falling on some soils is neutralized and on others cause no impact. The countries most affected by acid rain would be downwind of acid gas emissions either their own or from other countries. They must have sensitive waters or soils.

Based on this understanding countries with high numbers of acid gas emitting companies (USA, Canada, Europe in general) would have a significant opportunity to be exposed to acid rain. Northern Canada is prone to acid rain problems as the roacks are not sedimentary but do contain acid soluble metals. Central Europe is sensitive due to high levels of emissions and non neutralizing soils.

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βˆ™ 17y ago

Ohio, at a pH of 4.3, It is the lowest in the nation, but only a small part of it. Ohio ranges from around 4.5 to 4.3, which is still very acidic.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The countries that receive the most acid rainfall would be the busiest and most pollutant most likely, such as Beijing or Tokyo. dd

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the state of California has been most affected by acid rain in the United States of America.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: What state has the most acid rain?
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How has acid rain effected the Empire State Building?

Acid rain is highly reactive with materials like marble and limestone which are materials the outside of the Empire State Building is made of. Therefore, slowly, acid rain is deteriorating the Empire State Building

Where does acid rain rain the most?

In the US its New York

Why does Texas has the most acid rain?

It does not.

Where does acid rain affect most?

Acid rain does most damage to inner city area to stone buildings and other structures.

Why does Tokyo receive acid rain?

because tokyo is a big state(prefecture) that has alot of pollution then when it rains the rain goes through the pollution therefor creating acid rain

Which state receives the worst acid rain?

The northeastern United States, particularly states like New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, historically received some of the worst acid rain due to emissions from industrial sources and power plants. However, regulations and improved air quality measures have helped to reduce the impact of acid rain in these areas.

Why does Beijing have most acid rain fall?

Because it does.

Which planet most likely to have acid rain?


What is most affective by acid rain?

evergreen trees

What can acid precipitations result from?

Deposition of Sulfur into Our Atmosphere is where most of the Acid Rain originates.

What is rain acid?

rain with acid

Is acid rain rain with acid?

Yes, Acid rain is rain with higher than normal levels of nitric and sulfuric acid.