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Feminists should focus on creating a world of equality for all genders. By looking at the ways in which women are currently treated in society, feminists strive to improve the lives of women and provide greater opportunities for them.

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Q: What should a feminist focus on?
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Can a man be a feminist?

Absolutely, there are many feminist men in the world. Any man who doesn't believe women should have equal rights is living in a delusional world. However this doesn't mean that anyone who supports equal rights is a "feminist". Feminism is a selfish belief that women should be given a special class above men in society.

What does it mean to be a feminist?

Feminism is the movement that supports gender equality. To be a feminist is thus to be someone who thinks that men and women should be equal socially and economically.

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There are no pronouns in the sentence, "An attorney should focus on clients."Examples of the sentence using pronouns:"He should focus on clients.""She should focus on clients.""An attorney should focus on them."

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What does it take to be a feminist?

Technically, all you have to do is identify as a feminist. At worst, you'd be a bad feminist (as opposed to not a real feminist) because feminism is a movement, not an organisation. To be a good feminist, you'd have to engage in women's rights advocacy or women's rights activism.