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the CBR is slightly higher than the CDR so all u have to do to find the NIR is to do CBR-CDR= NIR

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Q: What rate of natural increase does a country need to have to create zero population growth if you ignore immigration and em emigration?
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What are immigration and emigration and how do they affect population size?

Migration can increase population size by speading the animals (or people) over a wider area where there may be more resources. Migration (compression) into a single habitable area will increase the population density, but could cause either a numerical increase (more breeding) or a decrease (from limited resources).

Why population increase and decrease?

Populations increase and decrease because people leave one country (emigration) and enter another (immigration). A rise or fall in either the birth rate or death rate in a country can also cause populations to increase or decrease.

What does immigration minus emigration mean?

Immigration refers to people entering a country, and emigration is people leaving a country, so if you take the number who have entered and subtract the number who have left, you will then get the net change. If a million people have entered and seven hundred thousand have left, that means there is a net increase of three hundred thousand people.

Does immigration mean moving out of a country?

Immigration is moving into a country. Moving out of a country is known as emigration.

What does population influence?

Hey... Um-mm the answer is the two factor that affect population size is emigration and immigration. The diff of emigration and immigration is that emigration is when you leave some way for an ex Mexico, When Mexican leave there country they are emigrating. And when they come in to the US They are immigrate. :)

Is the population of a country determined by births only?

No. Population is first determined from a census, then by using a formula that factors in such things as the birthrate, death rate, immigration and emigration.

How do you think people moving in and out of the country will change the numbers of people?

People moving in and out of a country can change its population numbers by either increasing or decreasing the population size. Immigration (people moving in) will increase the population, while emigration (people moving out) will decrease it. The net effect will depend on the balance between these two factors.

What movementof organism from one place to another is called?

The movement of organisms into a given area from another area is called emigration. Emigration is defined as to leave on country or region to settle in another.

What s emigration?

Emmigration is when people move out of a country. As opposed to immigration, when people move into a country.

What do you call the movement of people from one country for the purpose of settlement in their country?

This movement is called immigration.

What is it called when you move from one country to another?

It is called emigration when you leave one country and immigration when you arrive in another country.

Does population growth equal birth rate minus the death rate?

Yes and no. "Natural increase" is births minus deaths. "Population growth" includes immigration and emigration too! So populations can have a negative natural increase (more deaths than births) but still have population growth because immigrants enter the country and settle there permanently (migration). Case in point - the USA.