

Best Answer
  • According to, by the end of 2008, approximately 38.2% of the US population (79.7 million people) were enrolled in organ donor registries in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
  • Only 26 states offer the organ donation option on drivers' licenses.

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Q: What percentage of Americans register as organ donors?
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You need orhan donors for people that have lost and organ like a liver.People decide tp become organ donors to help others in need.

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The population of Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes is 7.

How many organ donors are there in the USA as of today?

According to the American Journal of Transplantation (2008 edition) there are 6,618 (living) organ donors.

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Organ donors.

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There are currently 4685 Potential Donors actually lol :P

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The two types of organ donors are living donors, who donate organs while they are still alive (such as a kidney), and deceased donors, who donate organs after they have passed away (such as heart or liver).