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One organization that has used violence within the U.S. is the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). They've used violent tactics to intimidate minorities, mostly African-Americans, from exercising their constitutional rights.

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Q: What organization used violence to intimidate people?
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What organization used violence intimidate people?

One organization that has used violence within the U.S. is the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). They've used violent tactics to intimidate minorities, mostly African-Americans, from exercising their constitutional rights.

What group used violence to intimidate American citizens?

Ku Klux Klan

How did members of the ku klux klan try to intimidate African-Americans?

they used violence

How did member of ku klux klan try to intimidate African Americans?

they used violence

What motivated the ku klux klan's fear and violence?

an increase in racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity.

Organization that used threats and violence to keep blacks away from the polls?

KKK's Organization that used threats and violence to keep blacks away from the polls.

What secrect organization used violence to prevent slaves from voting?

ku klux klan

What crimes were the KKK involved in?

The KKK subjugated black people, prevented the organization of the Republican Party in the South, promoted Prohibition and targeted moonshiners and bootleggers, and used violence to intimidate people.

System using terror to intimidate is called?

States like Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia which used terror systematically to intimidate and control their citizens are called "totalitarian". The answer is not "terrorism" which does use terror to intimidate people but is not a system. More of a technique.

Did the KKK only intimidate the African Americans?

the members used violence against them....

How did the ku klux klan intimidate black voters?

A freedman who had been brave enough to speek out against the Klan, to a tree at the courthouse in the town of Graham and hanged him.

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vikings wore them to show their toughness and they were used to intimidate people, because they looked scary.