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It estenially can't really replace a non renewable resource such as Gas, Nuclear, Coal and Oil. However we can start to phase out non renewable resources with solar energy which does not give out the harmful greenhiuse emissions.

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Q: What nonrenewable resource does solar panels reduce?
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Is sunlight renewable or nonrenewable resource?

Sunlight is a renewable resource. It can be harnessed using solar panels.

Is sunlight a renewable resource or a nonrenewable resource?

Sunlight is a renewable resource. It can be harnessed using solar panels.

What are the benifits of Solar Panels?

Solar panels help reduce electricity bills by generating free electricity from sunlight. They are environmentally friendly, as they produce clean energy without emissions. Solar panels also increase the value of a property and can provide energy independence.

What resource that is naturally replenished?

renewable resource

Which is a divantage of using solar panels?

solar energy is a renewable resource

Is solar a renewable or nonrenewable resource?

It is a renewable resource because we will always have the sun. It will never run out!

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solar panels and wind turbines by:Adam

How can you use solar panels as a renewable recource?

Solar panels are not a renewable resource, unless you recycle them. Solar panels make electrical power from solar energy, but it in no way replenishes the Sun to make more solar energy in the future. However, the Sun does rise every day, and when it's not cloudy the electrical energy produced by the panels is reinstated.

What are solar washing project panels?

Solar washing project panels refer to systems designed to clean solar panels, ensuring they operate at maximum efficiency. Dust, dirt, and other debris can reduce the efficiency of solar panels, and regular cleaning is essential to maintain their performance. These systems can be manual or automated.

Is solar a nonrenewable source?

For all intents and purpose Solar energy is a renewable resource. It is there for us to harvest and its use by us wil not diminish the supply.

Are solar panels bad?

No, they reduce energy within a building to save the planet.

Are solar panels bad or not?

They are good because they reduce energy to save the planet.