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Q: What list consist of only renewable energy sources?
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Where are some renewable energy sources?

Here's a list of the major renewable energies:1. Solar2. Wind3. Hydro power4. Geo-thermal5. Bio fuels, such as ethanol and bio-diesel6. Tidal energy

How are renewable and nonrenewable energy different?

Yes, nonrenewable and renewable sources are different - very different. For example, nonrenewable sources such as fossil fuels harm the environment and will run out soon. Green renewable sources are good for the environment such as solar energy. It comes from the sun. That is why it is called solar energy.

List of renewable and non-renewable resources?

renewable Nonrenewablesolar fossil fuelhydroelectricity nucleartidalwindgeothermal

List of renewable energy?

Renewable energy sources include solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass. These sources of energy are replenishable and have a lower environmental impact compared to fossil fuels. They can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a more sustainable energy future.

What are dif. renewable energy sources Please list three. ?

Three renewable energy sources are solar power, wind power, and hydropower. Solar power harnesses energy from the sun using solar panels, wind power generates electricity through wind turbines, and hydropower generates electricity from flowing water in rivers or dams.

List three physical sources of energy?

list three physical sourcses of energy

What are 3 renewable energy sources?

Renewable energy sources are sources that will not run out three examples are; Solar power, Wind powers (using windmills) and using water (an example would be a dam)

List any cons or challenges of chemical energy sources?

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What are renewable and non renewable-resources and their uses?

Uses:All these resources are being mainly used to generate electricity. Oil is also used for transport and the production of plastics. Minerals like iron ore and gold are nonrenewable, but may be recycled and reused. Renewable ResourcesA renewable resource is something that is being continually replaced faster than we use it up. Solar energy is considered a renewable source of energy because the sun's energy is continuous. (Note that the rest of this list are all forms of solar power.)Wind PowerWater Power (Hydro-electricity from dammed rivers, tidal streams and ocean waves)Thermal Power from the earth (Geothermal: Using the earth's heat to generate electricity)Thermal Power from the oceanBiomass, the burning of plant material, is a renewable resource. Even though the burning puts carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, it also prevents a much greater amount of methane being released by the decomposing vegetation, so it is rated as positive.Trees are renewable because we can replant them.Non-Renewable ResourcesA non-renewable resource is something that is not being replaced as we consume it. Oil is a good example of a non-renewable resource. It is used to make gasoline and other fuels, as well as plastics, such as grocery bags. We are using billions of gallons of oil every year, but it takes millions of years to be replace. We are using up oil much much faster than it is being produced. Once we use up oil from the earth, it's gone. We can't wait millions of years for some more.Coal is non-renewable.Peat is non-renewable.Uranium is non-renewable.---Most of the time the two terms are referring to sources of energy:Renewable sources are sources of energy that can be reused or that will continue regardless of you using them: power from the Sun, power from waves, power from wind.Nonrenewable sources are sources of energy that have a limited supply and will run out, and not be able to be used in the future: Oil, Coal, Gas.---Renewable energy sources are wind, solar, and hydro-power, and biomass. They will never run out. Nonrenewable energy sources are coal, oil, and other fossil fuels. The similarities are that most of them have a relation with the Sun. A nonrenewable energy source and a renewable energy source are similar in the way some of them are used to transform energy (you cannot create energy, it can only be transformed from one energy form to another.) The similarities are few but there are many differences, most of the positives are on the renewable energy's side.---When you use petrol, gas, coal... basically anything you burn to produce heat and then turn this energy into electricity of mechanical energy (a car engine) you are using a raw material that is not going to be replaced. In fact petrol, gas, and coal take million of years to be naturally produced.When you are burning wood (from trees), the tree grows again... eventually if you let it do so. This energy can be "kind of renewable" as long as another tree grows as fast in order to replace the one you cut.

Can you write me a persuasive letter in promoting renewable energy?

No, WikiAnswers will not do your homework for you. That's cheating. Make a list of all the positive things about renewable energy -- you're going to have to do some work and research this using your textbook! -- now pretend you're telling a friend all about these things and trying to convince them to use renewable energy. There's your letter.

Where can you find a list of green companies?

Each state publishes a list of green companies doing business in that state. You can also get information from The Ultimate Green List and Green Renewable Energy Companies.

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