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Ammonia factories make ammonia gas (NH3), which is used in some cleaning products in aqueous form. Ammonia-based cleaners are for household cleaning, not person hygiene.

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Q: What kind of gas does Ammonia factories clean you with?
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What kind of gas do Ammonia factories give you?

Ammonia factories produce the gas ammonia (NH3).

What kind of gas do ammonia factories put in you?

carbon dioxide and amine if you ate spicy things and ammonia if you ate eggs

What makes ammonia factories give you gas?

chemicals and urea and ammonia

What gas do Ammonia factories put in your cells but not ammonia is it hydrogen sulfide gas or carbon dioxide?

They don't put anything in your cells.

What gas does Ammonia factories make in your body?

They do not make any gas in your body, though you may inhale small amounts of ammonia if you live near one.

Why is ammonia gas used for making ice in ice factories?

Ammonia gas is used in ice factories because it has excellent heat-absorbing properties when it undergoes a phase change from gas to liquid, making it an efficient refrigerant. By circulating ammonia gas in a closed system, heat is absorbed from the surroundings, leading to a decrease in temperature and the formation of ice.

What kind of substance is ammonia?

Ammonia is an inorganic gas. It is also classed as a weak base.

Is ammonia a solid or a gas?

Ammonia is a gas at room temperature.

What gases does household ammonia have in it?

Household ammonia primarily consists of water and ammonia gas. Ammonia is a compound made up of nitrogen and hydrogen atoms.

What gas do ammonia factories release besides ammonia?

Ammonia factories can release gases such as nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, methane, and sulfur dioxide as byproducts of their processes. These gases can contribute to air pollution and have environmental impacts.

How liquor ammonia process?

The liquor ammonia process involves dissolving ammonia gas into water to form a solution called ammonia liquor. This process is used to produce ammonia-based fertilizers, clean metals, and neutralize acidic substances. The ammonia liquor can also be used in industrial processes such as refrigeration and as a cleaning agent.

What is meant by ammonia gas sensor?

An ammonia gas sensor is a device that detects the presence of ammonia gas in the air. It works by measuring the concentration of ammonia molecules and providing an output signal that alerts users to its presence. These sensors are commonly used in industrial settings, agricultural facilities, and laboratories to monitor and control ammonia levels for safety and environmental purposes.