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You can compost all fruits. Just no dairy or meat, that's the golden rule.

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Q: What kind of fruits can you compost?
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Related questions

What are the two types of ingredients you can compost?

vegetables and fruits

What are the two types of groups you can compost?

You can compost fruits and veggies.that's it, because everything else will kill your plants. Hope I helped!

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What kinds of materials are recycled to make compost?

vegetable peelings, grass and dead fruits and plants

Can oranges go in a compost pile?

Yes, any kinds of fruits, vegetable and plants can be composted!

What types of garbage can be used for compost?

Organic compounds, such as old, rotten vegetables and fruits are best.

What type of crops grow in compost?

Fruits and vegetables are the crops which grow in compost. Crops benefit from soil amendments, fertilizers, and mulches. Dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich compost serves all three purposes.

What kind of waste does compost handle?

i dont no i think

What fruits can be fertilizer?

If you have a compost pile started you can add the fruit to the pile, in time it will be turned into great fertilizer.

What is a form of behavior?

Kind of behavior that compost if the attitude of a person

What kind of fertilizer is made from table scraps and dead plants?


What kind of nutrient are fruits classified as?

fruits are not nutrients they have nutrients in them