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sea breeze

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Q: What kind of breeze occurs along coasts during the day?
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What occurs along the coast during the day?

sea breeze

Does land breeze occur along coasts during the day?

No, land breeze occurs at night when the land cools down faster than the sea, causing the air over the land to sink and flow towards the sea. During the day, sea breezes are more common as the land heats up faster than the sea, causing the air to rise over the land and flow towards the sea.

Which breeze occur along the coast during the day?

Sea breeze occurs along the coast during the day. It is caused by the temperature difference between the land and sea, with air rising over the warmer land and cooler air moving in from the sea to replace it. This breeze brings cooler air from the sea towards the shore.

When was Breezin' Along with the Breeze created?

Breezin' Along with the Breeze was created in 1926.

Does air move from sea to land?

Yes, air typically moves from sea to land during the day due to differential heating, creating a sea breeze. This occurs because land heats up more quickly than water, causing the air above the land to rise and draw in cooler air from the sea.

The Atacama Desert runs along the coasts of which two countries?

The Atacama runs along the coasts of Chile and Peru.

What two nations have many fjords along their coasts?

Norway and Chile have many fjords along their coasts.

What is a local wind system created during the day?

A sea breeze is a local wind system created during the day. It forms when cooler air from the ocean moves inland to replace the rising warm air over the land. This creates a breeze that is generally felt along coastlines during daytime hours.

What causes a sea breeze storm?

A sea breeze storm is caused by the collision of a cool sea breeze and a warm land breeze meeting, resulting in the development of convective storm clouds, lightning, and sometimes heavy rainfall. This collision occurs when the temperature difference between the land and sea is significant and triggers the formation of thunderstorms along the coast.

Where is most of East Asia's population concentrated?

Urban areas, river valleys, and coastal plains.

Are waves the major force of erosion along coasts?

plz edit this answer bcuz i cant figure it out! yes waves are the major force of erosion along coasts

In East Asia where is most of the population clustered?

In east Asia, the population is clustered along the coasts and rivers.