the average yearly temperture in the Bahamas is mostly sunny and rainy
the average maximum yearly temperature in Cork is 12.75 °C the average minimum yearly temperature in Cork is 7.25 °C So the average temperature in Cork for the whole year is around 10°C based on
Bulgaria's yearly average temperature is 14.7 degrees
Whether it's for average yearly temperature or another temperature statistic, a line on a map that follows a specific temperature is called an isotherm.
The average temperature and precipitation a region experiences on a yearly basis is called the climate of that region.
The average yearly temperature for the marine biome varies greatly depending on location. However, in general, the average yearly temperature ranges from around 2°C in polar regions to 28°C in tropical regions.
average high is 71.2 average low is 51.3
The average yearly temperature in New York State is around 50 degrees Fahrenheit. However, this can vary depending on the specific region within the state.
The average yearly temperature in Boston is around 51°F (11°C). This can vary slightly from year to year, but this is a good estimate of the average temperature in the city.