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Cyberbullying involves recurring or repeated harm willfully inflicted through the medium of electronic text. In order for it to be cyber-bullying, the intent must be to cause emotional distress, and there must be no legitimate purpose to the communication. Cyberbullying can be as simple as continuing to send e-mail to someone who has said they want no further contact with the sender, but it may also include threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels (i.e., hate speech). Cyber-bullies may disclose victims' personal data (e.g. real name or workplace/schools) at websites or forums, or may attempt to assume the identity of a victim for the purpose of publishing material in their name that defames or ridicules them. Some may post victims' photos, or victims' edited photos like defaming captions or pasting victims' faces on nude bodies. One famous forum for disclosing personal data or photos to "punish" the "enemies" is Hong Kong Golden Forum. Cyberbullying is when you're on a site or MSN or some sort of cyber talking site. And then they start talking to you, and soon become so nasty and start to call you names and start using unsuitable words.

A cyberbully is a type of bully that does his work online. His/her words can be so rude and hurtful that they may be capable of affecting your behavior. Sometimes their words hurt as much as being physically bullied. Such acts should be reported to Supervisors. Supervisors will let them off with a warning first, but if this does not end, they will be blocked. But, unfortunately, cyberbullies may make a new account, and continue their acts of violence. But they will be blocked again. Avoid these bullies. If you feel that you are being cyberbullied on this site, Please report it in the community forum, or to any supervisor. Action will be taken.

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14y ago
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13y ago
CyberBullyingCyberbullying is using any electronic device or website to harm someone else. This includes insulting, revealing personal information, and harassing them. WikiAnswers understands that bullying is not mature or appropriate behavior, and will not support any sort of bullying. If you are caught with cyberbulling at, you can get banned.
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11y ago

Cyber bullying is the act of bullying via electronic devices, generally over the internet. Cyber bullying could consist of send threatening messages, or posting as the individual without their consent. Cyber bullying is a dangerous form of bullying because it is often done anonymously.

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13y ago

Means being mean and abusive to someone by electronic means. Sending threatending and mean text messages, emails for instance. Or writing mean things about them on facebook and similar sites.

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12y ago

Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that comes to a computer and a phone is like you say bad words or pass a private txt.

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11y ago

The term "cyberbullying" is a new term that has been accepted by the majority of mainstream society. It refers to the use of the Internet to harm others in a deliberate fashion.

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14y ago

Cyberbullying is bullying over the internet.

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No, cyberbullying shouldn't be allowed anywhere.

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Cyberbullying does stopped by lots website, who helping teens report it.

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Yes, it is considered Cyberbullying.

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