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Louis Riel was a patriot who stood up for his people and his beliefs. He was the driving force behind Manitoba becoming Canada's fifth province and joining confederation.

- Reason why French is taught in Canadian Schools

Lead two rebellions, and a List of Rights. He basically wanted his people to have their rights.


  1. That the people have the right to elect their own legislature.
  2. That the legislature have the power to pass all laws local to the Territory over the veto of the Executive by a two-thirds vote.
  3. That no act of the Dominion Parliament (local to the Territory) be binding on the people until sanctioned by the Legislature of the Territory.
  4. That all Sheriffs, Magistrates, Constables, School Commissioners, etc., be elected by the people.
  5. A free Homestead and Preemption Land law.
  6. That a portion of the public lands be appropriated to the benefit of schools, the building of bridges, roads and public buildings.
  7. That it be guaranteed to connect Winnipeg by rail with the nearest line of railroad, within a term of five years; the land grant to be subject to the Local Legislature.
  8. That for the term of four years all military, civil and municipal expenses be paid out of the Dominion funds.
  9. That the Military be composed of the inhabitants now existing in the Territory.
  10. That the English and French languages be common in the legislature and courts and that all public documents and acts of the legislature be published in both languages.
  11. That the Judge of the Supreme Court speak the English and French languages.
  12. That treaties be concluded and ratified between the Dominion Government and the several tribes of Indians in the Territory to ensure peace on the frontier.
  13. That we have a fair and full representation in the Canadian Parliament.
  14. That all privileges, customs and usage existing at the time of the transfer be respected.

He might have been insane.

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i dont know exactly but he saved the metis

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13y ago

Louis Riel was the founder of Manitoba and was a great leader of the Métis of the Red River.

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