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47% of Bangladesh's population are illiterate.

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Q: What is the percentage of uneducated people in Bangladesh?
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Why are most people in Bangladesh farmers?

Because of the lack of educational and office jobs. There is also good weather into which they can grow they're crops. It is also a third world country so many people are uneducated and they have no other option.

What percentage of Bangladesh is woman?

49% of the population is women. Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

Why people don't hire black people with no education?

because they are uneducated. P.S. you dont have to be black to be uneducated.

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Is Bangladesh a republic or democratic country?

No. Bangladesh is a people republic. That's why it is called the people's republic of Bangladesh.

What is the percent of Muslims in Bangladesh?

146.4 million, in percentage it is 89

How many uneducated people are in the world?

Too many to count, and it would depend on what you would consider "uneducated."

What kind of people are there in Bangladesh?

There are Bangladeshi People in Bangladesh. It is a country adjacent to India.

When was People's University of Bangladesh created?

People's University of Bangladesh was created in 1996.