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Depends. Prob 95% Thai 2% English 2% Muslim 1% other

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Q: What is the percentage of each language used in Thailand?
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What is the most spoken language in Thailand?

Thai is the most spoken language in Thailand. It is the official language and is used for communication in government, education, and media.

Which country speaks Thai?

Thailand, which used to be called Siam. Now the Siamese language is better known as Thai.

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What language do people from thiland use?

The primary language spoken in Thailand is Thai. It is also the official language of the country and is commonly used in everyday communication, government affairs, and education.

What currency is used in Thailand have?

Thailand Currency is Baht

What is the abbreviation for Thailand?

Th. this is the abbreviation used for websites from Thailand.

How are mass calculations used?

Mass percentage calculations determine the percentage of an element based on mass in a compound. This can then be used to determine the percentage in a compound of each individual element.

What Food of Thailand?

the most popular food of Thailand is rice. rice is used and can be used in many dishes and everyone in Thailand has eaten rice since they were babies and Thailand is famous for its rice.

What is Thailand used to be called?

The historic name of Thailand was the Kingdom of SIAM.

What year did Siam stop being used as an exonym for Thailand?

In 1932 the Siam stopped being used as an exonym for Thailand.

What transportation is used when one travels to Thailand?

There are many types of transportation that is used when one travels to Thailand. Depending on one's starting point, one can travel to Thailand by plane or by boat.

Thailand used to be known as what?

It was used to be know as "Siam"