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it is lilling and hurting them

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Q: What is the oil spill doing to your water life animals?
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What is the impacted the oil spill is making on people and peoples life?

Immediately, people and animals living in the region in proximity to the spill have felt the expected immediate consequences, such as poisoning of water, and dead animals who have been overcome by the oil. The spill also imbalances marine and plankton life, the effects of which we will feel well into the future.

What is the effect of the oil spill?

the effect of oil spills is that it kills animals .such as birds and it can harm humans

How do oil spill affect life animals?

This is because if animals keep dying there will be no more animals and they will all be extinct.

How does oil affect life and how does it not affect life?

Yes- this is very true. There are bacteria in sea water that actually consume the oil. On calm water, oil may create a very thin film on water (like engine oil leaking from a boat) and not cause any significant environmental damage. If the area is small, some animals may avoid the area where the spill has occurred. Oil may be dispersed by wave action, and the small bits of oil may not to dilute to harm sea life. In relation to the BP oil spill, the area became so large, that it was difficult for birds to avoid the spill. The impact on many animals is given in the related link.

What are the affects of water pollution?

oil spill,kill innocent aquatic life,sewage & the throwing of garbage into the water

Why were there animals in the sea before animals on the land?

Because life needs water. Without water there is no life.

How bad is the marine life?

Ok... Since of the oil spill animals have been sick, or they have died. Other wise it is pretty good.

Name of the animals living in water?

Some animals that live in water are fish, dolphins, sharks, and jellyfish.

How have humans and animals adapted to life in Sahara desert and Antarctica?

they have adapted in life by drinking water and to be safe

What would be the change in aquatic life after the oil spill of 2010?

it will kill our Eco system, if its not stopped fast,we will not have any fish then wont have any bears then the sick animals in the forest will make everything will be dead.please stop the oil spill,fast!

Which animals live underwater and how animals live underwater?

It depends if you mean all sources of wildlife the answer is sea but if not then proably land and sea both, sources say now the oil spill 2010 gulf sea marine life dipludes.

When animals have a contest against each other for the life requirements what are they doing?

there racing