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Q: What is the name of a wilderness environment that is under threat by man kind?
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What is considered an environmental threat a fire b firewall c spies d hackers?

That would depend on the environment, but fire is the common environmental threat. Hackers also threaten the environment of computers. Spies also threaten business and government environments. Firewalls are not a threat of any kind.

What are the major threats the Environment?

Human kind is a major threat even to its selfand the enviroment , and nbc(nuclear biological chemical)

What are two major threats to the environment?

Two major threats to the environment are climate change, which leads to rising global temperatures and extreme weather events, and deforestation, which disrupts ecosystems and reduces biodiversity.

What kind of party is focused on the environment?

There are times when a new party is formed because of a specific concern such as the environment. A single-issue party is formed under these circumstances.

What kind of animal is a threat to a panther?

The main animal that is a threat to a panther would be man.

What kind of health problems does wilderness medicine treat?

Wilderness medicine uses techniques to assess and treat a variety of conditions and injuries, including:

What particular synthetic materials will react violently with water and pose a threat to firefighters?

Materials such as sodium, potassium, and lithium are highly reactive with water and can ignite or explode when they come in contact with it. These materials pose a significant threat to firefighters due to their vigorous reactions that release heat, flammable gases, and/or cause explosions. Proper precautions and specialized training are necessary when dealing with fires involving these substances.

What kind of animals are found in the Canadian wilderness?

theres bears,moose,poporcpine

What kind of environment does a Crocodilia live in?

muddy environment.

What kind of environment do rollie pollie bugs live in?

Rollie Pollie's live in dark damp environments. For example they may live in rotting logs, under rocks, or in basements and under houses.

What kind of environment is necessary for nonvascular reproduction?

Nonvascular plants reproduce through spores. They typically need a damp or moist environment to release their spores and for the spores to germinate and grow into new plants. This environment provides the necessary conditions for spore dispersal and establishment of the new plant generation.

What kind of poisonous snakes live in the California wilderness?

rattle snakes