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Many people argue over what is actually the lowest level in the ecosystem. Some people believe it is the sun while others believe it is producers.

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Q: What is the lowest level in the ecosystem?
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What are organisms in the lowest trophic level of an ecosystem?

Organisms in the lowest trophic level of an ecosystem are typically primary producers, such as plants and algae. These organisms convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis, forming the basis of the food chain and providing energy for all other organisms in the ecosystem.

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The lowest level of environmental complexity that includes both living and non-living factors is called an ecosystem. An ecosystem consists of living organisms interacting with each other and their physical environment.

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This statement is incorrect. The lowest trophic level in an ecosystem is occupied by the primary producers, such as plants and algae, that create energy through photosynthesis. Consumers occupy higher trophic levels and feed on the organisms at lower trophic levels.

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The lowest trophic level of any ecosystem is occupied by primary producers, such as plants and algae. These organisms convert energy from the sun into organic compounds through photosynthesis, forming the base of the food chain for other organisms.

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