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This is a controversial topic, and there are many different views. Here are a few contributor answers:

  • You asked a very emotionally charged. I just hope my answer does not degrade the thread into a politically correct bash fest. There was a recent theory that homosexuality as well as a-sexuality is a developmental deviation that occurs during a fetuses change from a female to a male. This initial theory was formulated when researchers observed homosexuality in wolves. All fetuses start out as female. That is why males have nipples and the ability to develop breasts. The process of the female fetus developing into a male is a very complex series of chemical/biological changes. This is why there are more females than men. Nature does not need as many males as females for a species to survive. The theory is that as the fetus makes this complex change something either does not change when it should or something does not change at all. The causes for the deviations in the changes is not known. It could be viral, food borne, poison/chemical, or even health issues of the mother. There is not much known about the process to postulate a cause as of yet. It is theorized that a lesbian is a female that developed just enough to be attracted to females but never finished the process to become a full male and a homosexual/a-sexual male was interrupted at some point during the change to not develop the mechanism to find females sexually attractive.
  • A major study for homosexuality conducted did not prove a gay gene however proved a link between testosterone implemented by genes and brain functions. [Note: later studies have shown a connection between genetic sequences and homosexuality]. this was consider the "twin test" . The theory is based on if homosexuality is a choice and not genetic, The influence of a heterosexual in dominate heterosexual life should be stronger then the other , if homosexuality was a choice then there would not of been a gay twin in the first place growing up considering the twins grew up in the same heterosexual influential life there would of been no point being homosexual. twins were used as way to conducts a balance study for environment interaction and thought process. The twin study was applied based on environment interaction/personal choices and involuntary reactions. The study found that chemical difference is how the homosexual twin responds on the involuntary section of the brain but maintain constant results with the heterosexual in the environmental interactions and person choices with slight differences. The current study is the the "moving out" research conducted inc and analyzing on homosexual communities.
  • In 2014, researchers confirmed the association between same-sex orientation in men and a specific chromosomal region. This is similar to findings originally published in the 1990s, which, at that time, gave rise to the idea that a "gay gene" must exist. But this argument has never been substantiated, despite the fact that studies have shown that homosexuality is a heritable trait.
  • Evidence points toward the existence of a complex interaction between genes and environment, which are responsible for the heritable nature of sexual orientation.These findings are part of a report released by the Academy of Science South Africa, the outcome of work conducted by a panel put together in 2014 to evaluate all research on the subject of sexual orientation done over the last 50 years. It did this against the backdrop of a growing number of new laws in Africa that discriminate against people attracted to others of the same sex. The work was conducted in conjunction with the Ugandan Academy of Science.
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Q: What is the latest research on homosexuality?
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