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It's bad because our earth was fine until we started going crazy on the polluting and the deforestation! it's up to us to make a difference.. now. Not in a little bit. Now. "Oh the government will take care of it!", No. We need to do it now, before it's to late! Like I said, It's up to us. Not the government, us. Now. You can help by..

  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Repair
  • Recycle
  • Carpool
  • Switch your light bulbs with the swirly kind (I think it's called URL)
  • Buy bulky items next time you go to the store
  • try not to throw away allot of stuff
  • don't litter
  • Compost you extras
  • And many many more!

If there's 'many many more', then why aren't we doing at lease one?

Like I said 1,000 times and I'll say it again, we can change the world. If we put our heart and soul to it, we CAN change the world. So please do! It will make the world a better place!

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Q: What is the impact of deforestion on globe?
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