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An oil spill can be defined as an accidental or deliberate dumping of oil or petroleum products into the ocean and its coastal waters, bays, and harbors, or onto land, or into rivers or lakes (Holum 1977). Between one and ten million metric tons (one metric ton is 1000 kilograms) of oil are put into the oceans every year. The oil is released, most often, in small yet consistent doses from tankers, industry, or on shore waste disposal (Boesh, Hersher, et al. 1974). Tanker spills cost the United States more than one hundred million dollars every year. Spill frequency increases proportionally with tonnage carried, in a linear manner. Non-tanker spills also increase linearly and account for thirty percent of all spills. The Atlantic area near Europe averages eight spills a year, the American area seven, and the Pacific two. Spills of more than ten thousand metric tons account for about two and a half percent of total spills, and spills above fifty thousand metric tons occur on average once a year

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13y ago
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14y ago

oil spils can kill a lot of animals so be careful of sailing

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12y ago

Most people agree that it shouldn't have happened and that oil companies need a process to react more quickly to emergencies and act with solutions that work.

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12y ago

Ewan ko..? BAKIT?baka si lee gikwang yata..

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How do you get oil spills out of the ocean?

Don’t put it in the ocean

What is a biotic factors affecting marine life?

Pollution, Oil spills, Overfishing and ocean currents

Are all oil spills in the ocean?

No, oil spills may happen in rivers and harbours too.

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How can oil spills be damaging?

Oil spills in the ocean can cause animals to be harmed because they become coated with oil and so does their food.

How are people affected by oil spills in your ocean environment?

Oil spills can effect the ocean and environment because it polutes the ocean and the air which can start to cause global warming, (WEATHER AN CLIMATE CHANGE).

How are oil spills disaters?

oil spills kill or harm wild life and it pollutes the earth

What are problems for sea turtles?

oil spills and pollution in the ocean

How does man kind affect the ocean?

mOstly by pOlluting the Ocean with their careless Oil spills.

Where do most oil spills in the oceans come from?

Ships using ocean water to wash their fuel tank-----------aplus c=3

Using not much oil helps prevent oil spills?

Yes, because if there's less oil than less oil ships will be crossing the ocean and less oil spills will happen.

What harm is done by oil spills to the ocean?

It has killed many animals and has poluted the ocean alot!