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The circulation of air, either heated or cooled, is usually called ventilation. We see experts in HVAC, and that's the handle for heating, ventillation and air conditioning, responding to repair central heating and air conditioning units in homes and businesses. If you see an ad in a help wanted column for an experienced HVAC technician, you know what they're looking for.

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Q: What is the circulation of heated air called?
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When heat energy travels by convection energy is transferred by the circulation of heated material?

Yes, when heat travels by convection the energy is transferred by the circulation of a heated fluid, such as air or water.

When heat moves from the baseboard to the rest of the it is called what?

It is called convection. Heat energy is transferred through the movement of air or water molecules, causing warm air to rise and cool air to fall, creating a continuous circulation of heated air in a room.

How does air circulation take place?

When air is heated, it expands, it becomes lighter and goes up. Cold air is denser and heavy. That is why it sinks down. When hot air rises, cold air from surrounding area rushes there to fill in the gap. That is how air circulation takes place.

What do we call the effects of the earth's rotation on air circulation?

The effect of the Earth's rotation on air circulation is called the Coriolis Effect.

What method of heat transfer produces the global circulation of air and water on earth?

The method of heat transfer that produces the global circulation of air and water on Earth is called convection. As the Earth's surface is heated by the sun, warm air and water rise, creating movement and circulation patterns in the atmosphere and oceans. This convection process helps to distribute heat around the planet, driving weather systems and ocean currents.

What is the transfer of heat causing differences in air density called?

The transfer of heat causing differences in air density is called convection. As air is heated, it becomes less dense and rises, creating circulation patterns that distribute heat throughout the atmosphere. This process plays a crucial role in weather patterns and climate.

What is the circulation of tropical air?

The circulation of tropical air is driven by the Hadley cell, a large-scale atmospheric circulation pattern that transports warm air from the tropics towards the poles and cold air from the poles towards the tropics. This circulation plays a key role in shaping global weather patterns and climate.

What is heated air moves from baseboard to the rest of the room process called?

The process of heated air moving from a baseboard to the rest of the room is called convection heating. As the air near the baseboard is heated, it becomes less dense and rises, creating a convection current that circulates warm air throughout the room.

How is a room heated using convention?

A room is heated using convection when a heating source warms the air, causing it to rise. As the warm air rises, it creates a circulation pattern where cooler air is pulled in to replace it. This continuous cycle helps distribute heat throughout the room.

When groundwater is heated near a magma body is called a?

When groundwater is heated near a magma body, it is called hydrothermal circulation. This process can result in the formation of geothermal systems and hot springs, where the heated water rises to the surface.

How does the air move in a room with a fire?

In a room with a fire, the air near the fire gets heated and rises. This creates a convection current where cooler air moves in to replace the rising warm air, creating a circulation of air within the room.

What is a example of convection?

An example of convection is the circulation of hot air rising from a heater. As the air near the heater is heated, it becomes less dense and rises, while cooler air moves in to take its place, creating a cycle of circulation. This process helps distribute heat throughout the room.