GR - Goods Receipt
Goods Reciept
national basketball association
Goverment Rule
The answer will depend on what "gr" is.The answer will depend on what "gr" is.The answer will depend on what "gr" is.The answer will depend on what "gr" is.
10 gr = 647.99 mg10 gr = 647.99 mg10 gr = 647.99 mg10 gr = 647.99 mg10 gr = 647.99 mg10 gr = 647.99 mg
GR - lobbyism
Since 1959, the official 'grain' (gr) of mass has been defined as 64.79891 milligrams (mg) of mass. If you have 5 grains (gr) of mass then, you have 323.99455 milligrams (mg) of mass. Aspirin is manufactured with 5 gr of acetylsalicylic acid in each tablet. Although that's actually no more than 323.99455 mg of aspirin, the label claims that the pills contain a full 325 mg each, and you pay for 1.00545 milligram more than you get. Over a full lifetime, this could add up.
GRS stands for "Global Redundant Server". It refers to a system of servers that are geographically distributed to provide redundancy in case of system failures or disasters.
Gr. is usually short for grade. Ex. I am in gr. eleven...
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