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Q: What is eliminated as a requirement for immigration in the immigration reform act of 1965?
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What immigration policy revised decisions of the immigration reform act of 1965 and greatly benefited europeans especially those of Irish origin?

Immigration Act of 1990

What month was the immigration act of 1965 passed?


When was the immigration law passed?

the immigration laws were passed in 1965. That is incorrect, the law was passed in the 1920's.

What law eliminated the literacy test?

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Since 1965 the immigration policy of the US as enforced by the immigration and Naturalization Service has emphasized on what?

economic and social status

What were the effects of the government's decision in 1965 to change immigration laws?

hdhdjhkjdh ugyhfgtdtgxcfc

Why was the immigration and nationality act of 1965 necessary?

Existing American Policies were discriminatory.

What has the author Dominique Daniel written?

Dominique Daniel has written: 'Immigration aux Etats-Unis, 1965-1995' -- subject(s): Emigration and immigration, Emigration and immigration law, Government policy

How the 1965 immigration and nationally act resulted in an increase in illegal aliens?

Through prayer.

The immigration act of 1965 had the effect sharply increasing the number of immigrants from what country?


What was the impact of the immigration and nationality act of 1965?

it led to the arrival of millions of new immigrants in america

In what way did the change in immigration laws in 1965 affect immigration from Asian countries?

Because the immigration laws were changed in 1965,Asians particularly Vietnamese from Hong Kong, were chosen to come to Canada under refugee status. They later were held in court for a trial, and if their chase was not strong enough to be held as refugee, they were sent back to their refugee camps in Hong Kong