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people planting fruit trees in their back yard

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11y ago

Picking up the trash on the ground, use less water, and many more.

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Q: What is an example of modifying the environment?
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What is the difference between adapting and modifying to the environment?

adapting is like getting used to, but modifying is changing the environment based on your specific needs

How can a blue jay meet its needs by modifying its phicical environment?

yoijcjvcjj i

Which is not an outcome of the environment modifying a phenotype?

Genetic drift is not an outcome of the environment modifying a phenotype. Genetic drift refers to random changes in allele frequencies in a population due to chance events, rather than environmental influences.

Why man modifies his environment?

as the population started growing our needs also started growing so we humans started modifying our environment

What is an example with an adverb modifying an adjective that describes a noun?

stunningly colorful sunset adverb modifying adj colorful describing noun sunset

What is the difference between adapting to and modifying an environment?

yo mama b. f. her 'n u

Is Patricia slept peacefully an example of an adverb modifying a verb an adverb modifying an adjective or an adverb modifying another adverb?

There are no adjectives and only one adverb (peacefully) in the sentence. It would have to be modifying the verb (slept).

What do we call to the process in which Societies adapt culture to its environment?

The process of adapting culture to its environment is known as cultural adaptation. This involves modifying beliefs, practices, and values to better fit the circumstances and conditions of a particular society or environment.

Is the word very an adverb or an adjective or a verb?

The word 'very' is an adverb and an adjective. Example uses:Adverb modifying a verb: You are very tall for your age.Adverb modifying an adjective: The is a very oldcoin.Adjective: He arrived at the very moment it began to rain.

What part of speech is often?

It's an adverb, answering the question 'when'? An adverb can modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. 'Often' modifying a verb ('goes'): My sister often goes to the movies by herself. 'Often' modifying an adjective ('late'): Jake is often late for dinner. 'Often' modifying another adverb: [I can't think of an example.]

What does rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation addresses the patient's physical, psychological, and environmental needs. It is achieved by restoring the patient's physical functions and/or modifying the patient's physical and social environment.

What are modifing words for adverbs?

Adverbs can be modified by other adverbs or adverbials such as intensifiers (very, extremely), degree adverbs (almost, quite), or frequency adverbs (always, sometimes). These modifying words help provide additional information and context to the verb or adjective they are modifying.