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High pollution,high crime,and poverty all over the city.

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Q: What is an example of a community issue or problem?
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How can the school address the issues or concern in the problem of community?

by letting the students be aware about the issue so that they will be mature and they will also inform their family in order for them to make an action to solve the problem.

What are 2 ways to solve a community problem?

Collaboration: Bring together community members, organizations, and local government to work collectively towards finding a solution. This can involve sharing resources, expertise, and perspectives to address the issue comprehensively. Education and awareness: Raise awareness about the problem within the community through workshops, campaigns, or community events. Educating individuals about the issue can help mobilize support and inspire action towards finding sustainable solutions.

What is the Difference between problem oriented policing and community policing?

Problem Oriented Policing is REACTIVE - whereas Community Oriented Policing is PROACTIVE.

What are the problem in the community?

environtal problem in a acertain community

What is the difference between an issue and a problem?

the difference is a problem can be solve while an issue will continue to become an issue when answered.. Oscar :-) an issue is something that takes more time to fix, but is really just an annoyance because you know a solution as soon as you find the issue. A problem is when you uncover a potential issue, and you don't know how to fix it. A problem is something that has a clear answer. A issue is something that causes debate and divides people. Example: They are similar because both problems and issues cause debate, concern, and conflict. Some issues can be broken into smaller problems that can be solved by asking questions that can be answered easily. Problems typically can be solved by asking, how can something be solved. If it can be answered then the problem is solved. If the problem cannot be answered easily and people are divided over the problem then it becomes an issue . A good example of a problem is that people who drive drunk cause accidents. An example of an issue is lowering the drinking age to 18. This cannot be solved with an easy answer. Is a teenager as responsible or mature as an adult? Some will argue they are and others will argue they are not. Should a law be passed that allows 18 year old kids the right to hang out in bars with people twice or triple their age? Is this a safe situation that should be allowed? None of these questions are easy to answer, the issue needs to be narrowed down so that each specific question can be answered, discussed, and made manageable. A health problem might be an illness; a health issue might be something like banning tobacco or shutting down factories that pollute the air.

How can a sense of place help you identify an issue and understand why it is important?

A sense of place can help you identify an issue by understanding the history, culture, and values of a specific location, which can provide context to the problem at hand. This understanding can help you see the issue from different perspectives and empathize with those affected, making it easier to recognize the significance and impact of the problem on the community or environment.

What is community problem?

A community problem refers to an issue that affects a group of people who share a common locality or interest. These problems can range from social issues like poverty and crime to environmental concerns such as pollution or lack of access to basic services. Addressing community problems often requires collaboration and cooperation among residents, local organizations, and government entities.

Which statement is an example of restating the idea?

"Finding a solution to the problem was quite challenging." - An example of restating this idea could be: "It proved to be difficult to find a resolution to the issue."

What is a social cause?

an issue that citizens care about and rally around

What can be an issue in a community?

littering and doing graffiti.

How does animal abuse connect to an external problem or issue?


How does an issue become a problem?

humans can not get together to handle the issue, so it becomes a problem, and they are unable to solve that either