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Usually an "anti-bullying policy" means that a school or workplace will not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment. If you are caught participating in these types of actions, usually disciplinary actions are taken (i.e. suspension)

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Q: What is an anti bullying policy?
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What is one campaign used in schools for anti bullying?

One campaign used in schools for anti bullying is the no tolerance policy. If any student is found to be bullying, they are immediately expelled.

Anti bullying policy in primary school?

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Is there an anti bullying policy in Darwin Middle School Australia?

No, the school is relatively new and the council is still working on a sufficient policy. At the moment, there are a number of students who have gotten away with serious types of bullying.

What does anti-bullying mean?

Something that strongly discourages bullying, eg. an anti-bullying seminar.

Is tomorrow anti bullying day?

Everyday should be anti bullying day.

What anti bullying law?

45 of the 50 states have anti-bullying laws

When is anti-bullying week 2012?

Britain's better with out bullying!!

Why do you have anti bullying week?

To help schools fight bullying

What are some catchy anti bullying slogans?

stop bullying.

What does anti bullying mean?

anti bully means you are totally against bullying and you use every act to put a end to all the bullying you see.

Which websites help with cyber bullying?

Any anti-bullying website will help with cyber bullying.

What actors and actresses appeared in Anti-Bullying - 2012?

The cast of Anti-Bullying - 2012 includes: Sandun Dissanayake as Sean