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legislation that allows the government to spend money. legislation that allows the government to spend money.

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Q: What is an Appropriations Bill?
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What term describes a legislative bill containing many miscellaneous provisions and appropriations?

A bill containing many miscellaneous provisions and appropriations is called an omnibus bill.

A bill setting the funds that an agency can spend is called?

An appropriations bill.

When passed by Congress what becomes a law that authorizes spending for a particular activity?

appropriations bill

The actual passage of a bill setting the funds that an agency can spend is called a?

An appropriations bill.

What acts provided interest free loans to mohair producers?

the 1999 Omnibus Appropriations bill and the 2000 Agriculture Appropriations bill made interest free loans available to mohair producers once again.

A temporary law that congress passes when an appropriations bill has not been decided by the beginning of the fiscal year is?

A temporary law that Congress passes when an appropriations bill has not been decided by the beginning of the fiscal year is a continuing resolution.

What is the difference between a supplemental and a continuing resolution?

A continuing resolution provides temporary appropriations for a portion of the fiscal year when normal full-year appropriations have not yet been approved. A supplemental appropriation modifies the annual amount provided by a prior full-year appropriations bill.

Describe at least three steps in the government budget process?

The President submits a budget request to Congress, The House and Senate pass budget resolutions, and house and Senate Appropriations subcommittees markup appropriations bills. Other steps include: The House and Senate vote on appropriations bills and reconcile differences, the President signs each appropriations bill and the budget becomes law

What are canceled appropriations?

Closed appropriations

Which house can propose a bill how the state spend money?

Only the House of Representatives can write appropriations (spending) bills.

What house committee has jurisdiction over spending?

House Appropriations Committee

How does the us government balance their budget?

There are five key steps in the federal budget process: 1.The President submits a budget request to Congress 2.The House and Senate pass budget resolutions 3.House and Senate Appropriations subcommittees "markup" appropriations bills 4.The House and Senate vote on appropriations bills and reconcile differences 5.The President signs each appropriations bill and the budget becomes law.