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When the government takes money from your income to pay debts and construction: taxes.

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Q: What is a taxation?
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What are the different taxation levels?

This question requires more context. Which country? As different countries have different taxation systems and laws. Personal taxation or company taxation? Here again there are normally different levels of taxation.

The requirement of uniformity in the area of taxation?

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What are some slogans for the stamp act?

i'm pretty sure it was "No Taxation Without Representation."

How do you use taxation in a sentence?

Taxation without representation is wrong. Taxation is needed to pay for many government programs.

What has the author Cheryl D Block written?

Cheryl D. Block has written: 'Corporate taxation' -- subject(s): Corporations, Taxation, Law and legislation 'Corporation Taxation' 'Corporate taxation' -- subject(s): Corporations, Taxation, Law and legislation

What sentence can you use for taxation?

The answer is for a massive shift to indirect taxation.

What does fiscal policy refer to?

government spending and taxation.

What are the roles of taxation system in business?

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What are some example of Power of Taxation?

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What are the distant courses available in International taxation?

Advance Diploma in International Taxation offered by Chartered institute of taxation, UK

What are the nature of power taxation?

The power of taxation is that every government needs it. No country can survive without the money that is brought in from taxation.