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because you could become really unhealthy sitting at the computer all day and ummm they are very expensive.......hia liv!

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Q: What is a bad impact of ict to society?
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ICT is good and bad ICT is everywhere?

get some ball,

What is the impact of ICT in accounting?

for recording trasaction

What is the impact of information communication technology in the economic development?

the impact of ict and the use of it in schools

How can a career in ICT impact a girl free?

A career in ICT can empower a girl by providing opportunities for economic independence, pursuing her passion in a male-dominated field, and contributing to advancements in technology that benefit society as a whole. It can also help break gender stereotypes and inspire other girls to enter the tech industry.

What are the importance of ict to the society?

People with ict skills can use computers to manage organisations and design new technology.

Impact of ICT on society?

Information and communication technologies ICT are extremely influencing every discipline under the sun including Education. It is affecting every aspect of education from teaching-learning to assessment and evaluation. It improves the effectiveness of education. It aids literacy movements.

What is the impact on ICT on mass communication?

my bumm lol xx

Impact of ict on banking?

Go and ask the bank...simple!

Is Ict a good or a bad thing?

ICT is good and bad. ICT is everywhere. It is good because we use it to get information, for entertainment and for work. One reason why ICT is bad is: more people are suffering from obesity because of it, they can just stay at home to work or get information, and for entertainment, meaning they have to move less therefore less excersize.

Which Technologies have had a major impact on cultural sharing?

The Internet and ICT Technology has had a major impact on the cultural sharing.