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From 10 000 BC till 1860, the pre-Industrial Age, the carbon dioxide in air was approximately 278 ppm (0.0278%).

In 1900 it was 295 ppm.

In 1960 it was 315 ppm.

In 1980 it was 335 ppm.

In 1990 it was 350 ppm.

In 2000 it was 369 ppm.

In 2010 it was 388 ppm.

In 2011 it was 392 ppm. (March 2011)

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Q: What has been the historical carbon dioxide percentage of air over the past 10 000 years?
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Why does the percentage of carbon dioxide not vary from 0.03?

The percentage of carbon dioxide is increasing. It was 0.28% before the Industrial Revolution, 200 years ago, when we began burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). It is now (2013) 0.04%, so it is certainly increasing.

How many years to recycle carbon dioxide?

None. Plants recycle carbon dioxide continuously.

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Carbon Dioxide

Why is the percentage of carbon dioxide so high?

The percentage of carbon dioxide is high due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes that release large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. This excess CO2 traps heat and contributes to the greenhouse effect, leading to global warming and climate change.

What gas in the air takes up 0.03 percent?

No, air now (2013) contains 400 ppm (parts per million) or 0.04%. This has risen since the Industrial Revolution, 200 years ago, from 280 ppm (parts per million) or 0.028% where it had been steadily for thousands of years.

In past years were temperature and carbon dioxide usually at the same rate?

Yes, carbon dioxide levels remained at 280 ppm for many thousands of years, together with an even temperature, before the Industrial Revolution.

When you burn vegetation how does it affect carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere?

Burning vegetation releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere because plants store carbon as they grow. When the vegetation burns, this stored carbon is released back into the air as carbon dioxide, contributing to the overall increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

What caused the increase in carbon dioxide in your atmosphere over the last 150 years?

The primary reason for the increase in carbon dioxide levels in the Earth's atmosphere over the last 150 years is the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. This releases carbon dioxide that had been locked away for millions of years into the atmosphere, leading to a rise in atmospheric CO2 levels and contributing to climate change.

Has atmospheres carbon dioxide changed over last 150 years?

Yes, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have increased significantly over the past 150 years due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. This increase in carbon dioxide is a major driver of climate change and is contributing to global warming.

What 3 gases made up the earths atmosphere a lot of years ago?

carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and still nitrogen

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Was there more carbon dioxide in the air 2000 years ago?

It is believed that the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere 2000 years ago were lower than they are today. Measurements taken from ice cores suggest that carbon dioxide levels have significantly increased since the Industrial Revolution.